E-Booking Software Package S
Product Code: E-Booking-ZW-Pack-S
Booking software - Package S - Monthly Licence Fee.
Package S is including 30 resources points.
Each additional resource point €3,00 per month.
Invoice per 12 Months.
This software can be used for:
Roombooking / Desk Sharing / Desk Booking / Resource Management / Car Fleet Management / Ticket Based Event Management
Software including:
Book appointments / Series appointments / Booking rules / Attributes for resources / Extensive filter function / Display connection / incl. NFC/RFID authorization / Stino Integration* / Microsoft/Google synchronisation* / Smart Permitting* / Create MS-Teams link* / Booking of services*

E-Door Software for RoomBooking
Create your template online in the CMS for e-door and upload it to your Roombooking Screen. This software can work with your Emailing program like iCal, office 365 and Google Calendar.
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E-Door Software for RoomBooking
Create your template online in the CMS for e-door and upload it to your Roombooking Screen. This software can work with your Emailing program like iCal, office 365 and Google Calendar.
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